
Solutions through Partnership & Collaboration

The MarEx Group exists to lead continuous improvement within the Maritime Industry by creating and optimizing opportunities through partnerships and collaboration.
Mr. Gregg Trunnell started the The MarEx Group following his tenure as the founder and Director of the Pacific Maritime Institute (PMI) in Seattle, Washington.  Gregg knew early on that working effectively with clients  requires authentic relationships based on mutual trust and respect as well as effective collaboration.  This philosophy is the foundation of the MarEx Group as we consider ourselves an extension of our client’s organization.
Mr. Trunnell has demonstrated leadership through extensive partnerships and collaborations with local government, companies, unions and various subject matter experts through established collaborative projects such as the Workboat Academy™ and the Navigation Skills Assessment Program® - NSAP®.
The Maritime Experts that Encompass the MarEx Group are leaders, innovators and subject matter experts within the maritime industry.  Each MarEx Group Expert is considered an equal Partner, ensuring a collaborative approach and effective client solutions.
"Our collective success will be your success."